Summerfield School


AUTUMN (2) 2021 

Our topic this term has been ‘Celebrate with me’. We have enjoyed learning all about Diwali, Bonfire Night, birthdays and Christmas, as well as other celebrations, and have looked at the similarities between all of these. Through many fun discussions, we discovered that light, family, special clothes and food were included in celebrations across all cultures. We have shared stories linked to celebrations, learning about Rama and Sita, Guy Fawkes and the Christmas story, and have read, recalled and sequenced the story of The Polar Express. Everyday, we have the choice of two books to be read as the end of day story. We vote by putting a glass bead in the pot that corresponds to the book we want.

We looked at both old and new toys and compared them. We were able to describe the different materials used and explain how we knew they were old or new.

During our immersion day, we celebrated Fred Frog’s 5th birthday, enjoying songs, dancing, party games, crafts, biscuit decorating and general party fun!

We have explored and created wonderful things using many different materials and tools. We made clay Diva lamps to celebrate Diwali, using paint and glitter to add extra sparkle. Our scissor and fine motor skills are challenged everyday, with so many opportunities to demonstrate how well we are progressing. We enjoy mixing and experimenting with colour.

In Music, we are learning all about pulse and pitch and are practising songs and rhythm. We will be recording our progress to show that practise and dedication can improve all we do. We worked so hard on learning all the nativity songs, as well as what we needed to do for our performance, and loved daily practises and singalongs. What amazing actors and singers we all are!

In Maths, we have looked at circles, triangles and 4-sided shapes, learning that squares are in fact special rectangles! We have used positional language and know that numbers to 5 can be represented in many ways, e.g. spots, fingers, numerals. We also know that numbers to 5  are made up of smaller numbers. Using equipment and toys, we have demonstrated our understanding of one more and one less than a number and have practised adding two groups of numbers to make 5.

We are all showing great progress in Phonics, using Fred fingers to spell and write words, blending sounds to read words and learning all about tricky red words that we can’t sound out, remembering that ’you can’t Fred a red’.

We are continuing our writing everyday, showing our pencil skills and excellent Phonics knowledge and we continue to practise letter and number formation.

Every Friday, we visit the hall for PE activities with Miss Martin and are developing our gross motor, movement and ball skills.

We have loved the role-play area, using Santa’s sleigh, wrapping presents in Santa’s workshop and dressing up as reindeer, elves and Santa. The mischievous elves, Buddy and Spangles, have been with us since December 1st, causing mayhem and chaos across Early Years. They have now returned to the North Pole, wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!


Mrs Elgar

Miss Webb