Summerfield School

Year 5 


For this topic, we have carried out a study of how crime and punishment has changed over the course of history.

We looked at medieval times, where some of the punishments involved were quite extreme but being caught depended on the community who were used to ensure rules were followed.

We investigated Victorian times, where the punishments were extreme and children would be sent to adult prisons for crimes.

The last period we investigated punishment was today, which is more humane and respectful. We compared these and created a book aimed and children who are in year 2, to inform them all about crime and punishment during these three eras.

We used our art lessons to look at drawings of crime and punishments and then created our own to illustrate our books. We were fortunate enough to be able to have an online meeting with a local MP who spoke of how rules were passed and other very interesting ideas. The children enjoyed this very much and were able to ask very inquisitive questions.

During our computing lessons we investigated the importance of staying safe online. This includes our digital footprint and why we should not share personal information.

Mr Felce

Mrs King / Mrs Mott