Summerfield School

Year 6

AUTUMN (2) 2021


This half term the Year 6 steps back in time to Ancient Egypt in their topic 'Secrets of the Sarcophagus'.  

During the immersion day, the children dressed up in their best Egyptian finery and learnt to cook Egyptian flatbread.  

In English, the children discovered how people were mummified and wrote detailed explanation texts about this fascinating process. They also learnt about Howard Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun on 4th of November, 2022.  They used this as a stimulus for their own diary writing. 

In art, they created their Egyptian art work using acrylic paint and papyrus paper.  The finished work was displayed in our own art gallery.  

In DT, the children got creative by designing their own Egyptian games using a variety of previously taught skills.  The children then had the opportunity to play their games with Year 3 children. 

Mrs Reynolds

Mrs King / Mrs Stuart