Summerfield School

Year 4

AUTUMN (1) 2021

In Geography, children investigated physical and human features with a focus on mountains and mountain ranges.

Children consolidated and developed their understanding of different word classes and apply a broader range of figurative language, in our English lessons. For writing our focus was non-chronological text, biography, story writing and poetry. We covered homophones and singular apostrophes during our grammar sessions.

In our Art/DT lessons we did some observational drawing and developed our sewing skills.

Animals including humans was the topic covered in our science lessons. We conducted an interesting experiment with boiled egg to show the effect of different liquids on our teeth. This resulted in a class discussion on how to look after and keep our teeth clean.

In Maths, we consolidated our knowledge and understanding of place value and have started the new block of addition and subtraction. Times table skills are developed further in fast maths sessions.  Children are getting better with speed and accuracy while practising the times table.

Mrs Datoo

Mrs Krish